Our team

Our team consists of competent researchers and highly motivated students who have the main goal to improve our quality of living and health by developing high-tech materials and introducing them to the masses.

Principal investigators of the research team:

Prof. Protima Rauwel 
Professor of Applied Nanotechnology – ETIS
Estonian Aviation academy


Prof. Erwan Rauwel  
Professor in Nanotechnologies  – ETIS
Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene


Research staff of the research team:

Dr. Priyanka Panchal
Mobilitas+ Postodoctoral Fellow – ETIS
Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene



Dr. Glemarie Hermosa
Postdoctoral Researcher – ETIS
Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene




Dr. Siim Küünal 
Lecturer and Researcher ETIS
Chair of Energy Application Engineering

PhD and Master students of the research team:

PhD student:

Mr. Patricio Paredes
Junior Research Fellow & PhD student – ETIS
Chair of Energy Application Engineering


Master’s student:


Former members of the research team:


Dr. Emmanuel Christopher Umejuru (2024-2025)
Postdoctoral Researcher on PRG2115 project Glass and sand nanocomposites investigations toward water and soil remediation

Dr. Sadaf Alibhai Jethva (2023-2024)
Mobilitas+ Postdoctoral researcher – “Development of earth abundant nanocomposites for dye degradation and green electricity production in aqueous media

Dr. Keshav Nagpal (2020-2024) Former PhD student – ETIS
ResearchGate, LinkedIn


Dr. Yuri Hendrix (2022): Postdoctoral researcher, “Nanomaterials applied to dye degradation“.
Now R&D Engineer/Material scientist at SCW Systems


Mr. Richard Erelt (2022-2024): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Assessment of nanoparticles-based additives in jet-fuels combustion

Mr. Taavi Murel (2022-2024): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Optical and electrical properties of ZnO nanorods used in photodetectors

MSc. Reynald Ponté (2022-2024): Project student
Project student:“Tin based nanomaterials as electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries applications”

Mr. Henno Kaeval (2021-2023): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Fabrication of a Prototype Photovoltaic Cell (1cmX1cm) Using ZnO-CNT-Ag Nanohybrids as the Active Layer

Ms. Heidi Henneli Granholm (2019-2022): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Antifungal properties of metal nanoparticles

Dr. Geeta Arya (2021-2022): Postdoctoral researcher
Mobilitas+ Postdoctoral researcher Nano-nutraceutics approach for in-depth study against existing issue of antimicrobial resistance, biofilms and fungal infections

MSc. Rohit Kumar (2020-2022): Project student
Project student: “Study of metallic pollutants extraction and organics degradation in contaminated water using sand and glass based nanocomposites

MSc. Harleen Kaur (2020-2021): Project student
Project student: “Study of biocidal properties of nanomaterials for the development of antifungal skin cream to treat pets and cattle”

MSc. Sven Petratškov (2020-2021): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Testing the efficiency of new fuels composed of diesel and nanoparticles

MSc. Toivo Viidalepp (2018-2020): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Development of a device for photocurrent measurement”.

MSc. Martin Malm (2018-2020): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Research on filter materials for the removal of iron and manganese from groundwater

MSc. Andres Aasna (2015-16): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Hybrid nanomaterials based on carbon nanotubes and metal oxide nanoparticles for energy harvesting applications”.

MSc. Arnaud Behr (2017): 4th Master, École Centrale de Lille (France), Internship (3 months)
Title of the thesis: “Study of water purification with nanoparticles and design of a filter implementing these nanoparticles”.

MSc. Martin Salumaa (2014-15): Master’s student
Title of the thesis: “Hybrid nanomaterials based on carbon nanotubes and metal oxide nanoparticles for photovoltaic applications”.